From HAWKE-HTS we give great importance to the footprint we leave in the world. That is why we try every day to take the measures that are within our reach to reduce damaging impacts on the planet and evolve towards a more Eco-friendly company every day.
This is based on two pillars; our Products and our Facilities.
For our company, to be eco-friendly is to be sustainable, that is, to try to maintain a balance between the environment, and the social and the economic aspects.
Because of this, we promote sustainable attitudes in the consumption of our products. Creating products and systems that minimize the possibility of error in the installation and generation of waste to the environment.
Our installer’s APP, our design software (HDS) linked to our unique ‘colour-coding’ system, allows installers in along with faster installation to minimise the margin for human error when installing.
With our ‘colour coding’ you will be shown at first glance that the installed blocks are the correct ones.
In addition, in our installer’s App you can see in situ which blocks to use at each cable or pipe entry point.
In addition, linked to all this, our tolerance blocks system eliminates the generation of waste at the time of installation as it does not use ‘peeling’ system.
This prevents excess layers and blocks that may have been incorrectly adjusted from clogging pipes or generating waste in the sea or other points of the environment. Added to all this, additionally, avoids situations of labor risk in the installation.
Hawke therefore offers an exclusive system on the market that is completely inspecionable and does not require on-site modification.
Another point we have worked to improve is the release of halogen materials from our products. This is because, in the event of a fire, if the blocks had halogenated materials, a large amount of corrosive and toxic fumes would be generated. Hawke-Hts decided to avoid this risk and thanks to this, we have the GREEN PASSPORT.
Finally, our company looks for energy consumption and emission control, being committed to the environment. With the installation of automatic control systems in our facilities, in addition to many other control systems, we considerably improve the emission of gases harmful to the atmosphere. The first steps to become Environmentally Friendly must be taken within the facilities and then strive for product sustainability
Hawke-Hts avoids risk and promotes sustainability by reducing emissions and waste to our planet.