New updates for the Hawke Installers App available for both IOS and Android.
As well as all the advantages that the first version had, the installers of transit systems can now benefit from the following:
- Export in Excel the list of materials of a transit, several transits or including the entire project.
- Export in Excel a list of cables, spare space etc, of a transit, several transits or including the entire project.
- The installer or person in charge can now fill in the field with their name to have more traceability.
- The color of each block has been included in the block selection calculator to make it easier to relate the cable diameter to the corresponding color.
We have had some great feedback since the launch of the app in September 2018. Further to that, we will continue to listen to your ideas about how we can further improve the app to make the installation of the Hawke´s transit systems even easier.